Monday, May 26, 2008

Did You Know?

The darker and more colorful your fruits and
vegetables are, the more nutritious they are.
Dark green, yellow, red and orange fruits and vegetables
not only tend to have more vitamins and
minerals than those with less color, but the pigments
themselves that provide the color are responsible
for an array of health benefits. These pigments
contain phytonutrients (phyto means “plant”) that
scavenge up the chemicals in your body that can
lead to disease and aging. In essence, dark-colored
fruits and vegetables can help you look and feel
young and vibrant!

Did you know that washing fruits and vegetables
extensively can wash away vitamins? Vitamin C
and all eight of the B vitamins are water soluble,
so these can be washed down the drain with water.
Watkins Fresh Wash® can help to maintain these
vitamins while washing away impurities. Fresh
Wash® is proven to work 400% better than rinsing
with water alone, and because it’s so effective, you
can use less water to eliminate impurities, helping to
maintain the nutrients in your fruits and vegetables.