Monday, May 26, 2008

Time in a bottle . . .

Do you ever wish you could bottle up a formula to slow the aging process? Well, it seems that European
winemakers have done just that. After centuries of throwing away the grape seeds left over from winemaking,
vintners many years ago began extracting the oil from those seeds. Not only was this oil fantastic for cooking,
but researchers have found that it has wonderful anti-aging benefits…from lowering cholesterol to reducing
the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles!
Top chefs cook with grapeseed oil because of its amazing effect on enhancing the natural flavors of food, and
health-conscious consumers cook with it to help reduce the “bad” (LDL) cholesterol while raising the “good”
(HDL) cholesterol. Watkins’ pure, all-natural Grapeseed Oils come in three varieties: Original, Garlic & Parsley,
and Citrus & Cilantro.
You’ll also find grapeseed oil in high-end cosmetics, used for its ability to reduce the appearance of fine lines
and wrinkles. Watkins Pure Beauty Oil, with pure, all-natural grapeseed oil and a unique blend of natural plant
oils and vitamin E, can be applied to the face and eye area for smooth, vibrant, younger-looking skin.