Thursday, February 28, 2008

The "G" Spices

Garlic Flakes

Garlic Granules

Garlic has long been credited with numerous
medicinal qualities, such as boosting the immune
system. Its reputation for providing strength was
the reason it was fed to the Egyptian slaves who
built the pyramids.
In the kitchen, it is used in nearly every world
cuisine for enhancing most savory dishes, including
meat, fowl and seafood, salad dressings, soups,
sauces and appetizers.


(China, India, Jamaica)
The root of a tuberous perennial which flourishes
in the tropics. One of the first true Oriental spices to
make its way westward from its native southern Asia.
Used primarily for baking in the West and for
savory dishes in the East. Gingerbread, cookies,
cakes, pumpkin pie, orange/yellow vegetables,
baked, stewed and preserved fruits, applesauce,
custard, meats, pickles and conserves, baked beans,
Asian stir-fries. Many people put powdered ginger
in capsules as a natural remedy for motion sickness.